One cricket test makes a difference, because it’s part of a story bigger than just its own, writes Sam Chan.
Those videos where the the wrongdoer receives instant “karma” or payback for their wrongdoing: we seem to love them!
Experts tell us that strategic planning is crucial to the success of any endeavour. It turns out, the Holy Spirit knows how to strategise.
As Christians, many of us have felt the pressure to share the Gospel with our friends. But what happens when we realise it’s not all on us?
We know that God speaks to us, but there are three areas where it’s particularly difficult to hear his voice. You may already know them…
As little children, we learned that wounds were never good. But some wounds are beautiful. Those are the wounds that Jesus bore for you.
Ruth Chou Simons believes that waiting isn’t about waiting for God to give us what we want, but surrendering to where He has us, right now.
In times of stress and uncertainty, there’s something about God’s grace, says Stephen McAlpine: There’s always more.
In the miracles of Jesus, we are given a picture of the transformation that takes place in the life of every person who comes to Him.
When you discover Jesus, you discover life – not life in the past, not life in the future, but life right now, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.