By: Tim Doecke

I love my church. It’s a community that represents so much of what I love. Jesus, all my closest friends, music, and transforming peoples lives.

Because of that, I’m really intentional about investing into serving and building relationships in that community. But I realised recently I’ve been so focused on investing into Christian relationships that I actually don’t have ANY close friends who aren’t Christians. That’s scary.

Serving church is a great investment until it starts costing relationship with people who don’t follow Jesus.

In Matthew 28:18, just before He flew into the sky, Jesus said: “Go into all the world and make disciples…” It’s hard to go into the world if all we’re doing is hanging out with our friends from church. I dare say there are many non-Christians in our world, we just haven’t noticed them, because of our church bubble. Let’s change that! Let’s break the bubble and engage!

3 people you could engage…

  1. Someone at your gym — who’s hitting the gym the same time as you each day/week?
  2. Your local barista — when they ask your name for your coffee order, ask them theirs!
  3. The parents of your kid’s friends — invite them to a play date in the park.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: Tim enjoys chatting with random people, propogating succulents, reading books, kayaking and has a slight obsession with vintage synthesizers. yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.