The Wire
The medical profession has backed the federal government’s draft strategy aimed at improving the work and life prospects for Australians...
April is Autism Awareness Month, and over the last decade much has changed in the way we understand and talk...
For both children and adults who experience sensory sensitivities, Christmas can be an uncomfortable or overwhelming time.
Friendly, cartoon-like graphics, culturally diverse animations and a wealth of helpful links, resources, and quick-start tools for children with autism.
PEERS (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills) is radically changing the lives of young adults with autism.
Parents of children with autism will nod, smile, laugh, shed a tear – and gain great insight and encouragement – from a new short doco film called DAD.
Although he has autism and a severe communication disability, Jonathan Sunarho's drawing has become an outlet helping him express ideas in ways that words couldn't.