For the last 31 years, Open Doors has released their World Watch List, detailing where persecution against Christians is most prolific.
“We can’t save them but love them where they are at.” Jeremiah Project’s Jacky Turano reminds us that small acts of kindness can mean a lot.
Mobile Mission Maintenance works on churches and other buildings used for Christian outreach, relieving ministers of this work.
Stephen McAlpine shares his reflections on the kinds of experiences we can expect from mission and ministry in the ‘Metaverse’.
In 2002, African Enterprise Rwanda piloted the first Rwandan self-help groups. Since then, they have brought transformational power to hundreds of thousands of Rwandese.
In 1991, Craig Josling started a group that now sees 800 Christian workers meeting in small groups throughout Sydney.
Ravi Zacharias was always more interested in the questioner than the question itself, and encouraged evangelists to be sensitive to their audience.
The beloved evangelist and Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias has passed away, aged 74, at his home in Atlanta, USA after a short battle with sarcoma.
In her new book ‘Unexpected’, Christine shares how cancer and other life experiences have taught her to leave fear behind and step into God’s plan.
Performing 95,000 surgeries in the neediest parts of the world, watch how one of their most uneventful surgeries, has been one of their most memorable.