Susan Browning was always busy – until the day she started watching clouds go by – and felt a tiny bit restored. It started a new habit.
We simply need to remain obedient. He is beautiful in His approach, I’ve found it’s the small whispers – the ones we we lean into – that He will build upon.
Today you get to decide what has value. You don’t need a new year, or a pandemic, you just need to decide, create the space and make it happen.
Before you take on what someone has said or even what you are saying to yourself, T.H.I.N.K before you receive those words.
We have such a great responsibility as worship leaders to stand in the gap for others, drawing them deeper into His presence. You are there with purpose.
Did you struggle with your identity as a teen? You might still be struggling with who God has created you to be even now all these years on.
These days I find myself saying “no” far more easily to things I would’ve said “yes” a thousand times to perhaps a few years ago.
Do you remember the freedom of exploration and imagination you had as a child? It might be time to learn how to play again.
So often we talk about “rest” and the importance of making room for it in our busy lives. Except for one thing, how do we actually rest?
If our relationship with God is to be sustained throughout our lifetime, we need to get good at placing worth and giving Him affirmation. Here’s 8 practical ways to rebuild or enhance your relationship with Jesus.