Marriage: Is it just a simple union of two individuals or something greater? Is it Individualism or does it also involve children and the broader culture?
Freedom of religion is not simply about religion. It’s about the freedom not to be forced by the state to go against our consciences.
"Even in Nigeria I had better freedom of speech than [I have] now," Councillor Amadi says, regarding changes in the UK law regarding same-sex marriage.
Will the call for tolerance of different positions change to a forced acceptance of one position in the same-sex marriage debate?
"The impacts on any change made to your existing charter freedoms is complex and needs careful consideration", encourages Civil Rights Lawyer
Maybe Australia will be the first country in the Western world to walk that impossible, difficult line between freedom of religion and privacy rights.
"The argument for equality rights has become inflated to such a degree that we're now willing to use it against religious freedom".
"In any free and open society it's extremely important on matters to ensure that both side have their viewpoints protected." Prof Iain Benson
We need to be lovers of freedom and tolerance. A message for both sides of this postal vote, and one that we'll need even more in the ashes of the outcome.
"What's going on is a very serious debate, right at the heart of law, about whether 'diversity' will allow different views on marriage."